Marital status:
Consulting Auditor (Retired)
It has been discouraging to see (return for Founder’s Day) so many buildings have been demolished at Girard. I believe that it was necessary to raze some of the buildings such as Good Friends, but I wonder if the Girard Administrators and Board of Trustees really provided proper maintenance on a timely basis to avoid some of these conditions for the other buildings. Founder’s Hall would be a case in point. I’m sure that the cost of repairs would have been significantly less if addressed in past decades rather than paying at today’s costs. Although my visits have been limited due to distance and job responsibilities, I always looked forward in seeing my classmates; however, the turnout as well was always sparse.
I believe that the reason for many of our classmates’ lack of participation would be the major changes in the infrastructure at Girard. Granted some of the changes were for the better. Nostalgia plays a big role in the formation of what we conceive and what Girard should be. We are part of Stephen Girard’s extended family and appreciate the opportunity of bettering ourselves. We were molded to be contributing members of the community and carry on the Girard traditions. The major changes in the student body also play a significant role. When Stephen Girard’s 'Will' was broken by political appointments with the interpretation that Stephen Girard would not have made the stipulations in his will today vs. from the nineteenth century; it could also be construed that he would have wanted the location other than in the slums of Philadelphia and would have chosen the Poconos or maybe Salt Lake City, UT.
When we graduated from Girard, we wished all our classmates success in life; and now for most of us we are near the end of our journey. We’ll have memories of our experiences at the Hum which will be with us till the end. When we left it was our commencement to a new life and each of us went our own way. We should all be thankful for the opportunities Stephen Girard provided to us. As much as we would like to do life over again, it just won’t happen. I wish God’s blessing for the Class of ’58 and peace to all, including those that have left this world. I’m sorry I won’t be able to attend the 50th, but I’ll be with you in spirit. Hail Girard! (“Blizz”)
Names of Children:
Pam, Brad, Denise, Chuck, Herman, & Callie
Military History:
Cities lived in:
Harrisburg, PA; New York, NY; Hutchinson, KS; Kansas City, MO; Youngstown & Dayton, OH; Bedford, Hurst, & Denton, TX
Music / Dancing / Swimming / Biking / Chess
Accomplishments,/endeavors, misc info you wish to share with your classmates:
Worked for Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. 40 1/2 years. (Clerk - Office Manager - Auditing Dept.) Early retirement due to IPO. After two years returned to workforce as a consultant for American Airlines Credit Union and also currently striving to be mayor of Corral City, TX.
Married to Wife #5 (Jo) and at last count, we have 15 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.